Thursday, April 11, 2019

Not Sure

I have been wanting to make trees I can sell. I didn't start on them because I have deadlines fast approaching. I was doing the last bit of work for the May show when I made an awful mistake. When I attached a hanging sleeve I sewed all the way through to the front of the quilt. Shit. I picked out the offending stitches, and I won't have to reattach the entire sleeve, but it's still a rookie mistake. Then I realized I never made labels for 2 quilts. I decided to walk away before I made things worse. I started on my for sale trees and they are coming along nicely.
I still haven't figured out what to do about the in-laws. I couldn't decide which part of the past to heal. Every single incident I thought of is not isolated, but built on a previous incident where things are just getting replayed because no one was happy with what happened and they are either pulling the same stunt to get what they want, or they want to punish everyone else. I could repeat the plant spell in which I attempted to make middle sister grow into a better person, but the plant is half dead. She went through a lot of difficult stuff. I believe that was the spell forcing her to deal with issues. But she's still petty and spiteful. She didn't become calmer or stronger or more thoughtful. I've thought about healing my husband but that doesn't stop his family from treating him like dirt, nor does it prevent him from being hurt. Probably I'm over thinking this. It's just really frustrating that the exact same problems come up over and over no matter what I do. I don't want in-laws issues to be my daily work because there are better things I could focus energy on.

Will cracked his phone's screen so now it looks like ink has poured over everything. He decided to use his tablet. The battery was dead. He plugged it up and a video of Teen Titans Go was still on. We had to figure out when the boys stole his tablet. Their punishment is not going camping with the boy scout troop. The other tablet is completely dead and won't take a charge at all. Pretty sure our tech guy is going to find several videos and maybe some games. I read playing cards each day. The joker always appears when there is drama. I've been seeing the card lurking around as I shuffle, but it hasn't come out in a reading. I thought that meant drama was building. It did not occur to me that something was being covered up. Lesson learned- see bad card, start investigating.

So that's where I am, in limbo. I'm thinking of having another look at my natal chart. Maybe that will give me ideas on how to proceed.

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