Friday, April 12, 2019

Limbo Up

I did look at my natal chart. I didn't agree with a lot of it. I started looking at the book that got me interested to begin with. The book made more sense than the website, and sounded more like me. But there were a few things the book mentioned that the website did not, and I got confused. It also started getting much more involved. I didn't have enough time to thoroughly study everything and all I really got from it was I need to focus on my art because creativity makes me happy.

More family problems have arose. The boys are on a bad behavior streak. They have progressively gotten worse as the week wears on. Home school has ground to a stop as I deal with behavior issues rather than history lessons. They claimed to have never heard of Babylon, which I found difficult to believe since they have been attending church with their grandparents for 3 years. I found out the boys don't actually pay attention to the sermons because they are awaiting cues to light candles or pass out collection plates. They do not know what denomination of church they attend. They do not know why they must wash Father Lawson's hands. They don't know what the candles are for. I talked to my mother-in-law and it had never occurred to her to discuss anything about church with the boys. She thought them just going was enough. Since I am trying to make the boys actually learn about the religion they are practicing she is taking it as an opportunity to convert me. It was her idea for them to go, but I'm supposed to explain the rites and lessons. I think if she doesn't want to step up then the boys shouldn't go to that church anymore.

I was trying to sew during today's lesson, but I got so frustrated with the boys mispronouncing every 3rd word that I made a major mistake in stitch count, which threw off the entire pattern. I finally ripped it out and started over.

I did draw a favourable rune for this week. I have more ideas about using runes. More information is slowly coming to me.

Still haven't figured out a dragon ritual for sewing, but I do have a small altar box I could use, and I could add dragons to it. I made the altar box out of an old tin meant to hold the various feet for a sewing machine. At first glance it looks perfectly normal. Inside are miniature Witchcraft items- a broom, a pentacle, a cauldron, and several charts of correspondences. I think it would work as a reminder to focus energy while sewing.

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