Wednesday, January 16, 2019


I decided the job would have to wait. I may go to work earlier than planned, summer instead of fall, but I just can't put the boys back into the same cruddy public school. That will undo everything and probably ruin the rest of their academic career. During the summer, homeschooling will be over and I probably won't care as much about tv. I'm not going to ask my in-laws to homeschool. They aren't capable.

I've been stressing childcare like I'd be gone Monday through Friday, but being 12 hours I'd only work 3 days and my mother could keep my daughter that long. Of course, my in-laws will undoubtedly fall short on keeping the boys. That's what they always do. Hopefully by the time they screw up I will have found another babysitter. I'm going to start looking now. If I'm lucky I won't even have to ask them.

I'm going to make as much art as I can now. When I go back to work I will probably have the same amount of time that I do now because homeschooling won't be in the equation. My plan of traveling to festivals to sell art has been shelved, but I couldn't do it immediately anyway because I haven't bought a trailer yet. The job would give me enough money to pursue dreams later. I don't want to go back to work, but if it puts me closer to my goals I can deal with it for a while.

I got a lot of sewing done yesterday. I feel encouraged to push on. My tree project is starting to work. I was very tired at the end of the day, but seeing so many likes on my pictures made it worth it. I need to remember that art must be shared.

Still doing Magick every day, though in small amounts. I'm reading the cards more. Items in my box aren't falling over and I feel much better about that. I don't think the problem is completely gone, and I still don't know who has animosity towards me, but evidently the person or persons are bogged down in their own negativity and cannot bother me. I will continue with protective measures until I have a clearer understanding of what is going on.

Rune studies are great. I always thought I had to draw runes but apparently visualizing them is enough.

No progress on ley lines. I still know next to nothing, though I am getting better at sensing them when I go outside. I think just being aware of the lines is a key component in understanding them. I had a chance to work with the lines last night, but I didn't because I was already tired. Don't try new Magick unless you are well rested because you don't know how it will affect you.

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