Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Keep Going

I've been trying new things with art. Mostly, I have a pile of trash to throw out.

Things don't always work perfectly the first time. Sometimes not the second, third, or even the fourth time.

What should happen is a learning process. I won't ever move forward if I keep making the same mistake. If I figure out what I am doing wrong, and correct it, then the time is not wasted, even if I don't have anything to show.

Some of the things I tried didn't work because I didn't devote enough time to the project. I started, never finished, and never went back. In one case my diagram was incorrect. One I had to re-read the directions because I skipped a step.

And sometimes I do everything I am supposed to but it still doesn't look right.

Not every piece is a masterpiece.

Not every piece is a failure.

But there are no masterpieces made without first failing.

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