Monday, December 1, 2014

We Now Return to Our Regular Scheduled Program

Thank God Thanksgiving is over.

My children are back in school. Yay! I had started some magickal work before the holiday and I had to stop because I didn't have enough time to do it properly. Now I can finally get back to it.

I did manage to finish spinning the cords.
The green represents Baby Sister. Hers tangled so badly I had to throw it out and start over. The blue cord represents her boyfriend. John's cord was so easy to make I finished it in record time. I had some doubts about doing this spell. I wanted something to symbolize and strengthen their relationship without interfering with their freewill. I rarely do love spells because love is messy, complicated, and awkward. John's cord is much shorter than Baby Sister's. I couldn't make the cords the same length because Baby Sister is fat and chesty. If I made her cord shorter it wouldn't fit her neck comfortably, but if I made John's longer then it would dangle annoyingly over her boobs. I told my husband what I was doing, showed him the cords, and asked if he thought I was putting John on a short leash. He laughed at me. "I'm SERIOUS!" I screamed. He laughed harder. I realized I was on my own.

I finally settled on honesty as the theme for John's cord. They have talked about getting married several times but he keeps hedging about setting a date. I decided he needs to admit what is bothering him. Until he names the problem it will remain unaddressed. After the problem is in the open, they can either work through it, or break up and move on. I'm not trying to make them marry or break up, but I don't think either will be happy if they can't say what's on their minds. I used the green cord to make Baby Sister more responsible. I think this is main issue- she doesn't maintain anything in her life. I believe she thinks John should take care of her and he thinks they should both contribute equally to the relationship. I thought about these things as I spun the cords, then I ran the finished cords though my fingers as I pictured them evolving into better people. I used a loose knot to tie the cords together. I didn't get a good picture, but the knot is equal, just two loops holding together with the ends free. I didn't want either of them bound too tight. I added some stars because I think John needs some luck.

This weekend was hell. My in-laws created an excessive amount of drama and after the way Baby Sister acted I didn't want to give her a damn thing. I almost threw the cords in the trash. But, I decided if I did that she'd never grow up and I don't want to deal with a drama queen for the rest of my life. So I'll give her this necklace for Christmas and I pray to the Goddess that it starts working as soon as she puts it on.

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