Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Month of Witches and Magick- What I Learned About Transmutation Circles- Day 8

Yesterday we looked at transmutation circles. You might be wondering how that is different from the circle Witches cast. I'm so glad you asked.

I tried to pick a very formal circle and a casual one. I don't necessarily agree with what these people think the circles are/do. I just needed to show the difference between Witches' circles and transmutation circles. The Witch uses the circle as a place or sacred space and a transmutation circle is a spell. If you are thinking about this carefully and you now have more questions than answers then you know exactly how I feel.

1 comment:

FreeDragon said...

This one didn't post properly. For some reason, it was scheduled to go out on the 9th instead of the 8th. Stupid technology! Anyway, I got on the right day, just a few hours late.