Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Another Section of the Mural

I almost used this section of the mural for my blog picture because it features Dr. McLain's office. I live in his house which he built around 1836. (Started anyway, he ran out of money and the house stood unfinished for a time.) The house was used as a hospital during the Civil War. Treating enemy soldiers got Dr. McLain in trouble. The house was burned twice, remodeled a few times, and in the 1930's another house was added on to make a modern kitchen. I'm sure he was an intelligent man, but the doctor wasn't as architect thus my house is crooked. The office building was wiped out by a tornado in 2009. A church intends to build on the site, but so far the lot is empty. The office sat on the corner, the house is further down the road. At one point, Dr. McLain practiced medicine in his home. I'm assuming he realized that was a bad idea because it meant he never had any privacy. I still intend to post pictures of my bedroom so you can see why I love the house. Then I can post pictures of the rest so you can see why I hate the house. Yes, things are complicated.

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