Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Another Progress Report

I have been getting up earlier than Kurt to have my computer. So far it has worked out beautifully.

Saturday we took Halona to Petsmart and let her pick out a toy. She was too excited so Kurt walked her around while I picked out toys for Sophie and Queen. A toddler wanted to pet Halona. Magically enough, she stayed still and let the baby pet her. Then she picked up a stuff duck and nearly dragged Kurt to the parking lot. No need to linger when you've got what you want.

Saturday I made meatloaf. Sunday- boiled chicken and rice. Monday- chicken casadeas because I was about cooked out. Today will probably be BBQ beef tips.

I closed the Etsy shop. I realized if I do want to sell again, Etsy is not the place for me. In theory, it's great- your own little shop without any of the worries that go with a real shop. In reality, you are a waste of cyberspace with no way to stand out from the 8 million other shops selling practically the same thing you are. I'm doing fairly well selling to local shops in my town and I think I need to expand that. I still love Etsy and plan to keep shopping, but no selling.

It has rained so much here that the creeks have swelled well above their banks and we are under a flash flood warning.

In December, when I did Silver's Great Release Challenge, most of the junk I let go of was mental. One area of my home which attracts chaos in my sewing room. My whole house is neat, devoid of clutter- except the sewing room. My father calls it my junk room and says it is proof that I am like my mother, Queen of Never-Throws-Anything-Away. It's tough to organize my sewing room because I can use almost any fabric for sewing and the fiber arts tend to messy anyway with little bits of thread, beads spilling out, dye pots getting knocked over, and never, ever, ever enough room to lay out a project. I want to buy an embroidery machine with my tax refund. I don't know where I am going to put it. Then I realized there's a lot of stuff that goes with an embroidery machine, like a gazillion spools of thread and no, the gazillion spools I already have are not suitable, and oh yeah, I need stabilizers, extra hoops, extra machine parts, software, more needles, and there's probably 50 more items I'm not thinking of because I've never owned an embroidery machine. Stuff has to go now. I've started on my PHD- Pile of Half-Dones. I'm seeing a lot of future Christmas gifts.

I did something and I am sure I will regret it. I allowed a family member to connect with me on Facebook. Her sister said she was sending me a friend request and because the sister, whom I love and trust, mentioned it first, I said okay. Then I checked her profile (really should have done that first), and she has all kinds of Jesus stuff. I didn't think she was that religious, but apparently she wants to save the soul of all she meets. And I could deal with that, but THEN I noticed she is friends with another cousin who hates me. And then, sigh, I remembered she's two-faced. If someone is talking about you, instead of defending you, she'll weigh in to stay in the person's good graces. Of course, she'll tell you all about it. Not the part she said. That's none of your business. I told Kurt my concerns and he said it was ok because Facebook has an unfriend button. BUT since accepting her request, I have gotten 2 strange calls. The first was some crazy area code I didn't know and the second was unavailable. Neither left a message. I'm just sort of sitting over here in a daze thinking, what have I done?

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