Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I Voted

I hate politics. I hate campaign ads. I hate how people get worked up over things that don't matter while failing to see the reason issues. Most of the time when I vote, I feel like it doesn't do any good.

I am not an Obama fan. I voted for him anyway. I despise Mitt Romney. I think if Romney became president, Women's rights would be set back two hundred years. I decided if I ever had a daughter, I would not be able to look her in the eye if I voted for Romney. So I voted for Obama because it was the best thing I could do given the limits of this election.

So what would make me happy?

1. If the rules about viginas were made by the people with viginas and everybody else just minded their own business.

2. If popular vote was the way elections were won. Let the president by elected BY THE PEOPLE.

3. If the government paid for more of our health care instead of wasting billions in a Middle Eastern war we will never win.

4. If corporations did not control the government.

5. If we were better educated.

6. If we cared more about each other than money.

7. If we would do practical things to save our planet before we stupidly kill ourselves.

I may be asking too much. I just realize in intelligently run country none of these things would even be issues.

Goddess help.

1 comment:

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

Dear PTB (Powers That Be), I second this prayer.