Saturday, December 4, 2010

Retro, Baby!

Mercury going retrograde wasn't a problem until I knew about it. Guess what I read yesterday? Yep, a post about Mercury going retrograde. Do you know what happened this morning, hmmmm? I couldn't connect to the freakin' Internet! And apparently there was no reason for it because the computer couldn't detect any problems. Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!

To alleviate the problem, I connected with my element, earth. I cleaned up the kitchen and made a place for an indoor kitchen garden. And now, magically, I have the Internet again.


Chrysalis said...

Retrograde again? Ugh. Do you know when it goes direct? A few years back I treated myself to the "Seasons of the Witch" date book which had a lot of detailed astrological information in it. I may treat myself to that again this year. This is a really bad time in my life for Mercury to be retrograde!!
Also, I hope you are feeling better!

FreeDragon said...

I keep looking on my calendar and I am yet to find when it goes direct. Actually, it doesn't go retrograde until the 10th.
And yes, I do feel better!