Friday, September 17, 2010

Spoke Too Soon

I have been happily going about life with almost normal sugar. I was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, I could stop taking one of my insulins (yes, I'm on 2 different kinds). I was beginning to imagine a life of (almost) no diabetes. People who didn't know me well might even think I was normal.

Today was stressful.

I hit 246.

I took insulin.

My sugar went up to 260.

To say I feel depressed is an under statement. I feel like I had a beautiful house of cards and then POOF- the big bad wolf blew my house down.

I don't know where to even start. Yesterday Kevin asked for one weekend off and our Fierce Leader pitched a hissy fit. There's lots of things he could have done, but Fierce picked the dumbest solution that screwed everybody.

Foo got in on the act by starting rumors and spreading misinformation. Foo is trying to make an 'us vs. them' situation and if he can get the whole department in a tizzy then he will be ecstatic. Since I am Kevin's girlfriend, I am by default in the 'them' group. To punish me, both Foo and Fierce are ignoring me. We are about to run out of machine parts which take 4-6 weeks to arrive IF they are not back-ordered. I emailed Foo, Fierce, and Daddy informing them of the situation. Only Daddy answered and he can't order anything without the approval of the other two.

Fierce gave Kevin a surprise 'electrical' test. Some of the questions had nothing do with electricity or Kevin's job. I feel like he's trying to set up Kevin for a demotion.

Today I thought my whole problem would be Foo and Fierce, but out of no where one of the production managers quit. She is promoting my office mate, who's still a temp btw, and once again I have to do both my job and hers. I don't blame anyone for quitting. I don't blame anyone for accepting a promotion. But I didn't need that today.

To compound the problem, several other people in the 'us' group are taking the opportunity to spread general chaos. And suddenly some of the high-ups are interested in the budget and my inventory. Next week I'm supposed to walk them though what I do, what areas cost the most, what we spend, how often...

I just don't want to go back.

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